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Raising Orchid Kids: Practical Strategies for Parents of Highly Sensitive Children

  • 13 Sep 2022
  • Virtual on Zoom

Raising Orchid Kids 

Date:  September 22 - November 10, 2022 

Time: Every Thursday 12:00 PM -1:00 PM ET, 8 consecutive Zoom sessions

Location: Virtual on Zoom. 

Registration: http://www.raisingorchidkids.com/core-course/

Cost: Suggested tuition: $450. This is a pay-what-you-can class. 

Raising Orchid Kids--practical strategies for parents of highly sensitive children. Parenting a highly sensitive child with developmental, behavioral and/or learning differences can be incredibly challenging. Besides all the “regular” challenges (bedtimes, schedules, potty training, discipline, tantrums, school), parents of highly sensitive children have a whole other list of concerns: Why is my child so sensitive and hard to parent? What can I do to change challenging behaviors? What therapies does my child need? How do I take care of myself and my other family members when my needy child takes up so much time and energy? How do I nurture my child and understand their differences, while also pushing them to be their best selves?

The deadline to register is Sept. 20, so apply soon!

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